31 May 2012
an update: personal
I know what you're thinking: all she ever does now is post personal blogs. Isn't that what a tumblr is for?
You're right. Sort of.
But ever since revealing my BIG HUGE NEWS last week, I want to share some of the following changes for both me and for my business:
- Honesty and authenticity always win. I was completely overwhelmed and filled with love at the response to last week's big news. You all are the reason why I do what I do. Your stories and your willingness to allow me to capture them breathe life into these lungs and fill me in a way I could never put into words. I need to share my story in the hopes that you feel comfortable letting me tell yours too. Or even better: let's share yours together. I'll take the photos, you bring the ice cream. I promise this blog won't turn into the Xanga blog I had freshman year of college. It will be better :) Big things are in store over here... and trust me, they're going to knock your socks off. But hopefully they're already off because kids, it's finally summer in the city!
- Run every day. Not only do I feel better, but I need to. I know it's sort of a huge nerdy thing, but by a stroke of luck and blessing, I got into the Twin Cities 10 Mile in October. A race I've wanted desperately to run since last year when I crossed the 10K finish line only to realize those big shiny medals were for the 10 milers and the marathoners. But before then? Half marathon in August. Better start pounding that pavement! Who's with me?
- Keep breathing. Keep swimming. Keep stopping and noticing things. Like how the light streams through my window in the morning at just the perfect balance of time between "restful sleep" and "oversleeping." And guess what? I have an internal alarm clock. Unless there's a need to set one, I'll hope to never wake up to an annoying beep again. Or even better, I'll wake up thankful and grateful to have another day, instead of dreading it.
- In this new phase of life, I'm learning to give a hearty "yes" to adventure and breathe deeply. In one week, I've seen my big dream come true, I traveled to Wisconsin and back, loved on two kiddos that steal my heart every time I see them, sang at the top of my lungs with the windows down, walked around with a coffee in one hand and a smile in the other and had a leisurely dinner with one of my besties. And yes, I use the word bestie. A lot.
All this being said, I'm leaving on a jet plane. Again! This time for a much-needed family vacation to the southwest. Packing only bathing suits, books and expecting to continue that breathe-deeply thing. I'll be "out of the office" until June 13.
Most important thing to remember: when all else fails, just eat cake.
25 May 2012
June 17, 2007: I shot my first wedding. As in, a bride and a groom hired me to document the most important day of their life together. I remember this day like it was two seconds ago: sitting in a Caribou Coffee in Bloomington, across from two friends from high school and they looked at each other, looked at me and said "well, as long as you'll be there shooting for fun, why don't we just pay you?"
My jaw dropped. I've never really won anything in my life, but this felt like the feeling you'd probably get if you realized you won the lottery. They were asking me to do this big huge important job? A "job" I already was going to do for the pure fun and love of doing it.
Without hesitation, I said yes.
And really, my life has never been the same since.
It's without hesitation again that I'm saying YES to the biggest decision I've ever made yet in these twenty-six years.
I'm saying YES to leaving a world of cubicles, 8-5 hours and business suits.
I'm saying YES to living my dream of being a real life, full time professional photographer starting NOW!!!!!!
[insert about a billion cartwheels, high-fives, gigantic vertical jumps and smiles so big even your gums hurt]
Now, let it be known that this is not a decision I've entered into lightly. I've prepared, I've planned, I've financially planned... but all of that aside? I've been dreaming. A lot. I've held onto this "secret" for about the last few months and slowly but surely, enacting plans to make things happen. But the journey isn't over. It's only just beginning! There are a lot of stories and sessions left to share, a brand new look to this bizz and you. You all are the key to making this dream soar.
This secret is one that has been met with the most amazing butterflies and encouragement from everyone I share it with. To all of those people whose eyes lit up and a big smile spread across their face when I heard them say "well, it's about time!" or "we are so proud of you!" or "this is your dream and now you're going to chase it 24/7!" I want to say thank you.
Thank you a million times over for every hug, every encouraging email, every countdown reminder... your endless support and love has propelled me to confidence that this is, in fact, the right choice. You are all a part of Team Syd. Thanks for cheering me on.
A few people have asked me if I was nervous about making the transition, if it was a smart choice in this economy or if I did in fact have enough business to sustain myself. My answer was a never-wavering, ever-constant: "Why would I be nervous about doing something I was born to do?"
God put this dream in my heart a long long time ago, maybe even before 2007 but it's taken me this long (and He's been working even longer!) to realize it. To trust. To have faith. To really truly know. And it's with this confidence that I'm moving forward, in faith and with Team Syd behind me cheering me on.
And there's no place I'd rather be. Thank you.
ps. Thank you to the lovely Maria for snapping these crazy shots of me a few weeks ago in Nevada. Thank you for believing in me since 2009 and keeping me accountable to this dream. Your new Team Syd t-shirt is in the mail soon, along with one for Ian and doggy shirts for the girls too :)
20 May 2012
Brian + Alena: Destination Engagement Photography
Can you call it "destination" when you're setting up shop at your grandparents' and shoot two "gigs" in the town you were born in? Absolutely!
I met Brian in high school when we were parts one and two of the God Squad, planning twice-weekly chapels, service projects, praise band lineups and in general, being awesome. We had a blast and looking back, it's one of those times when we were a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Fast forward a few lightyears and Brian contacts me to photograph his wedding to the lovely Alena! The story just keeps getting better when we made plans to meet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to document their engagement. I was completely fascinated by these two - their easy-going, patient love that is so comfortable and strong. The way Brian can make her giggle at the drop of a hat or the way Alena just has to give him that one look. Completely in love!
Making their home in Iowa, Sioux Falls is the site of their first official date: sharing breakfast at the Diner, book looking at the Book Shop and the sparks started flying. I loved this session for two reasons: Brian + Alena completely trusted me with their story, knowing we would create some fabulous images AND I was challenged to photograph in a place that was somewhat unfamiliar. YAY!
I had the best afternoon with these two and can't wait for their June wedding here in Mpls - my first of the season and it's sure to be filled with love, family and friends; three of my all-time favorite things!
I met Brian in high school when we were parts one and two of the God Squad, planning twice-weekly chapels, service projects, praise band lineups and in general, being awesome. We had a blast and looking back, it's one of those times when we were a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Fast forward a few lightyears and Brian contacts me to photograph his wedding to the lovely Alena! The story just keeps getting better when we made plans to meet in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to document their engagement. I was completely fascinated by these two - their easy-going, patient love that is so comfortable and strong. The way Brian can make her giggle at the drop of a hat or the way Alena just has to give him that one look. Completely in love!
Making their home in Iowa, Sioux Falls is the site of their first official date: sharing breakfast at the Diner, book looking at the Book Shop and the sparks started flying. I loved this session for two reasons: Brian + Alena completely trusted me with their story, knowing we would create some fabulous images AND I was challenged to photograph in a place that was somewhat unfamiliar. YAY!
I had the best afternoon with these two and can't wait for their June wedding here in Mpls - my first of the season and it's sure to be filled with love, family and friends; three of my all-time favorite things!
17 May 2012
Babies Make Five : Minneapolis/ St. Paul Maternity Photography
Last fall, I volunteered with the Liz Logelin Foundation and you can see those images HERE. I donated a photo session to the Foundation's gala auction and it wasn't until two months ago that I heard who won: an adorable family expecting twin girls! I knew instantly that I had hit the jackpot! I decided to offer a two-part session: maternity and newborn and I was elated when the Hollands agreed.
Once I met this family, I knew even more securely that they were meant to win the session. The instant love and peace you feel upon entering their home is downright fantastic. Two year old Will was about to be a big brother in a huge way and he and I became fast friends that afternoon. He did a great job! Kate? STUNNING. Can you believe there were two babies in there? I'm amazed! Tom? The love he has for his wife and Will and those babies on the way is clear and focused. The three of them together on the front steps are some of my favorites of all time - are you convinced yet that I adore this family?
Just yesterday I met "the babies" for the first time and they stole my heart. Greta and Piper are absolute dolls - stay tuned to see their debut soon.
But for now - here's the Hollands in their pre-newborn-twin-girls glow!

Once I met this family, I knew even more securely that they were meant to win the session. The instant love and peace you feel upon entering their home is downright fantastic. Two year old Will was about to be a big brother in a huge way and he and I became fast friends that afternoon. He did a great job! Kate? STUNNING. Can you believe there were two babies in there? I'm amazed! Tom? The love he has for his wife and Will and those babies on the way is clear and focused. The three of them together on the front steps are some of my favorites of all time - are you convinced yet that I adore this family?
Just yesterday I met "the babies" for the first time and they stole my heart. Greta and Piper are absolute dolls - stay tuned to see their debut soon.
But for now - here's the Hollands in their pre-newborn-twin-girls glow!

Posted by
sydnee bickett

13 May 2012
twenty-two : personal
Twenty-two years ago, I wished for a sister. I got a brother instead.
We took you home to stay on Mother's Day and Mom always said that that day was one of the best of her life: our family was complete. Husband, daughter, son. Four. The ever-fabulous four.
I tried as hard as I could, dressing you in bows and pink frilly things meant for my playtime dolls, but you were still all boy. Mom said you'd get me back someday and you did. A lot. She always reminded us that we should never go to bed angry at each other, that someday, all we would have would be each other. At the time, I was totally bummed because I never would get that sister I had hoped for. But now? I'm completely thankful every day you turned out to be you instead.
Even if I was (and still am!) the big sis, you've always amazed me with your ability to include me and really, look out for me. When I was too scaredy cat to sleep downstairs alone, you said it was okay for me to sleep on the bottom bunk upstairs in your room. We played together, made silly games out of pushing Danny down the metal slide on the swing set and rode bikes together (only to the fire hydrant and back!). You always included me in your birthday party guest list and thanked me during high school plays and coronations.
There's no one else I'd rather walk through this journey with than you - no one I'd rather turn to for a comedic remark, an encouraging text, a "you got this, Syd." Our support of each other's dreams pushes us to be the best we can be.
Your dreams are coming true. You're totally making it and taking the world by storm. From your athletic prowess to your dedication to fitness to your political arguments to your sportswriting skills, you've got what it takes to make things happen. Watching you grow from a little dude who only wanted to wear matching sweat suits with dinosaur light-up shoes to a pre-teen in the cutest wire-rimmed glasses you ever saw (Harry Potter, eat your heart out) to this high school athlete who suddenly was a foot taller than me and had to put his head on my head when he hugged me has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
Our parents taught us to persevere through challenges, to walk the walk and live out our faith daily. There have been several times in our lives when these lessons came in handy and none more evident than last fall. You faced one of the hardest challenges you'll probably ever face and you did it with this grace that only God could have given you. You witnessed to your friends, to your classmates, to people who didn't even know you... to us. I know Ricky is so proud of you, buddy. You've honored him in the way you've continued to succeed, to push through the challenges and to now graduate with honors. There's not a doubt in my mind that he'll continue to be watching you, reminding you to stay strong and probably have a little fun once in a while too.
I realize this post is a few days late, but you've always on my heart and in my mind. I am so proud of this grown up man you've become and I can't wait to see where the rest of your journey leads you.
Go big or go home. Thanks for putting the A in awesome and remember that your big-little sis always loves you.
07 May 2012
Viva ... Nevada?
I'll be "out of the office" until Sunday on a much-needed vacation to Las Vegas more like the Desert, photographing my little heart out and spending time with the fabulous Maria.
And okay okay, maybe I'll go look at the Vegas Strip too :)
Follow my adventures on Instagram, username sydneebickett.
Posted by
sydnee bickett

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