When Audrey Jane came into the world on June 7, 2011, she brought with her the completion of a dream for Brian + Rachel. A family of four, back home, with a perfect boy and a beautiful girl. This spring, they saw that dream grow even brighter with the completion of their very first home in the fields of Wisconsin and Brian's placement as state trooper. I am so proud of them!
I've had the honor to watch Rachel become Rachel + Brian, then Rachel + Brian + baby Shane, and now Rachel + Brian + Shane + Audrey. Oh and we can't forget Jason the fish! You can see this transition here and here.
I love this family and everything they stand for : love, faith and the power of family. And I love even more that they let Aunt Syd come visit once in a while and bring her camera. This last visit was even more special: I had just made my leap to full time photographer just hours before and my first real gig? Audrey Jane's one year photos. I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect.
So here she is, in all her smiley gorgeous glory. Miss Audrey Jane, you are so funny and loveable. My hope for you? To grow into a strong and confident woman, just like your Mama. Always stay sweet. Love your big brother forever, because he sure has lots of things he wants to teach you!
From your Mama:
"We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body." ::Ralph Waldo Emerson

(aunt) syd.
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