30 August 2012
these days : personal
There are big great awesome fabulous things ahead in the next month over in this part of the Internet. Things including photos you've never seen, stories you haven't heard yet and honesty with integrity. And the best part? Everything will be wrapped up in this cute little package I can't wait to share.
But before all that goodness, it's time for things to get real, folks.
Here's where that honesty part comes in.
Life, sometimes, is hard.
Shocking concept, I know. And this is not a moment of complaining or negativity or any of that. It's a moment, a series of moments, when God literally knocked me to my knees because things had been going so well (yay!), that I sort of forgot to thank the giver of the goodness.
This moment came when I picked up a brand new member of my Apple family (Hi Sheila!), only to go back to the car to bring her home and the ignition on my twelve year-old car was locked up. Or something. I've never claimed to be a mechanic but I'm really good at describing all things car-related. Sort of. Regardless, it didn't start and I was stranded. On one of those really hot days. Mmmhm. I love heat!
But then this funny thing happened when everything that was going wrong suddenly started to reveal a silver lining, piece by piece. I called my Mom, because what else do you do when things go wrong? She worked close by, so she gave me a ride home. I called my mechanic and they got the key in the ignition again. I needed a car and Dad said to use his. I had friends sending up prayers on my behalf at the drop of a text. And then there's Sheila, who came with a promise to make work a lot easier and more accessible.
And at the end of the day, I learned to let go and let God. His plan is so much bigger and grander and more awesome than anything I could ever dream to put together. Even with the help of Sheila, my Russel & Hazel stationary set and Pinterest, I could never style anything this cool. Just when our trust in Him starts to wane and wander, He's right there to remind us to just keep on keepin' on.
Hats off to God, to his awesome plan and to the fact that at the end of the day, we're just really blessed.
source: southern charm
22 August 2012
Lindsay : Minneapolis Lifestyle Photography
We began this session with Lindsay's adorable new pup Georgia and Georgia's "aunt" Emmy - those photos are coming soon! I couldn't give away all the cuteness in one blog post :) After letting the ladies have their spotlight, it was time for Lindsay to don her amazing wardrobe. In our emails back and forth, Lindsay said she wasn't sure if what she had chosen for clothing would work well together. Once she started pulling out options from bags and the back of her car, it took my breath away! Helloooo fashionista! Colored skinny pants, amazing sweaters and blazers, maxi dresses, killer shoes and a top knot to boot! I was in heaven.
My first love? Photographing my beautiful clients. But my second favorite part of this job? Working with my clients to help style the perfect session - to make their personalities and comfort levels shine! Advice to future clients? Take all your favorite pieces and amp it up. You won't regret it - you'll feel fabulous and confident and the camera loves when you do :)
Lindsay: thank you for choosing me to capture your new "headshots." The foundation's website is going to get at least a million hits a day once your favorite image hits the "about us" page! You're stunning and fabulous - a total inspiration to me and everyone who comes into contact with you and the LLF. Your apartment? My dreams come true all in one place. Nobody I know can carry a red lipstick and matching nails like you!
Posted by
sydnee bickett

17 August 2012
Lea + Dustin : Minneapolis Engagement Photography
These lovebirds came to me as a referral from a dearly-loved manager from days gone by and I couldn't be more thrilled! The majority of my business comes from referrals and my past clients doing their part in spreading the love - and this referral did not disappoint. They completed this engagement session with endless laughs and tons of jokes and stories I'll be sure to keep handy for their upcoming wedding day.
Lea + Dustin met a few years back at a small town bar, did a little 80's karaoke and the rest was history! Here they are, planning their wedding in a few short weeks and I am so honored to be a part of this day. It's sure to be filled with laughs, a close-knit family and the beginning of a new family with Lea, Dustin and Dustin's son, Gavin. I can't wait to see their circle grow on 8.25.12!

Lea + Dustin met a few years back at a small town bar, did a little 80's karaoke and the rest was history! Here they are, planning their wedding in a few short weeks and I am so honored to be a part of this day. It's sure to be filled with laughs, a close-knit family and the beginning of a new family with Lea, Dustin and Dustin's son, Gavin. I can't wait to see their circle grow on 8.25.12!

Posted by
sydnee bickett

13 August 2012
number two : Instagram Itinerary
Here we are again! A short and sweet kind of update on what I've been up to. Grab your affogato and enjoy a little peek into what happens behind the scenes over here :)
I had my first affogato. I know, I had to look it up too. Affogato: espresso over ice cream. Basically the best summertime treat this side of the lakes. Serious. I'm thinking about one right now. Note to self: get one tomorrow no matter what.
I tried out a pair of red specs a la Sally Jesse Raphael for a week and they're on order now. Can't wait to show off these beauties.
Ate fruit. Lots of it. Also did the best job carbo-loading for my first ever half marathon. Or maybe it was the time when I woke up at 4am to eat a bagel and yogurt before the race, only to go right back to sleep. Finished in record time: 2:05:15. Next goal? To break the 2 hour part this fall.
I met Bert Blyleven! Love those perks of the corporate gigs.
Being the trendsetter I am, I bought a maxi skirt and can't seem to find my way out of it. Currently trying to figure out how that might work into my fall and winter wardrobe. So far? No ideas.
I had a little car mishap and ended the night perfectly at Kings with my bestie over a bottle of red wine aptly named Friends.
Started rocking bling on my right hand inscribed with Jeremiah 29:11.
Spend a marathon night of meetings at Kings and ended with booking a wedding for October 2013. Wait until you meet this couple. You'll be head over heels in love with them!
Attended my first Twins game of the season. Looking forward to a few more before the snow flies!
Celebrated a milestone birthday with the one and only Dino aka my dad. We wined and dined at Jax Cafe and loved every morsel. Still dreaming about that bread basket.
My heart melted about three times over when I was reunited with my best boys: Beckett and Bowen. They're almost five and one. Don't get any crazy ideas.
Rocked out time at the studio and sent out my very first email newsletter. Want dibs on the info? Send me a love note and I'll add you to the next one!
Posted by
sydnee bickett

02 August 2012
Happy Birthday! : Destination Lifestyle Photography
When Audrey Jane came into the world on June 7, 2011, she brought with her the completion of a dream for Brian + Rachel. A family of four, back home, with a perfect boy and a beautiful girl. This spring, they saw that dream grow even brighter with the completion of their very first home in the fields of Wisconsin and Brian's placement as state trooper. I am so proud of them!
I've had the honor to watch Rachel become Rachel + Brian, then Rachel + Brian + baby Shane, and now Rachel + Brian + Shane + Audrey. Oh and we can't forget Jason the fish! You can see this transition here and here.
I love this family and everything they stand for : love, faith and the power of family. And I love even more that they let Aunt Syd come visit once in a while and bring her camera. This last visit was even more special: I had just made my leap to full time photographer just hours before and my first real gig? Audrey Jane's one year photos. I couldn't have asked for anything more perfect.
So here she is, in all her smiley gorgeous glory. Miss Audrey Jane, you are so funny and loveable. My hope for you? To grow into a strong and confident woman, just like your Mama. Always stay sweet. Love your big brother forever, because he sure has lots of things he wants to teach you!
From your Mama:
"We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children that makes the heart too big for the body." ::Ralph Waldo Emerson

(aunt) syd.
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