"This is the song I'm singing out / I wanna live like there's no tomorrow / Love, like I'm on borrowed time / It's good to be alive.."
I first met Ms. Ali Rogers on a January day seven months ago in a freezing cold video workshop. We were two of the only females in the group and twenty-somethings at that, so of course, we instantly bonded. Bonded over having to drive home from that workshop in a blizzard, over not knowing a single thing about video, about being two girls and two photographers trying to make things happen. Oh yeah and we maybe edited the most lame video you'll ever see. Or never, if I have my way :)
Even if we didn't gain an ounce of knowledge from that workshop, we gained a friend. Ali is a photographer, a yogi, a nanny, a Christian and a healthy lifestyle nut just like me and unlike me, she really loves nature, camping, being outdoors and doing things like being on water and traveling solo to Hawaii for a month-long adventure.
She just arrived home today from that adventure and ready to conquer the world - after a much-needed nap, I suppose! Ali's photography is stunning - her adventuresome nature really proves to be to her advantage. Not to mention that healthy lifestyle nuttiness - she's all about mind, body and spirit connections and being intentional in actions and words. The world could use more people like her :) I'm so proud to know her and be encouraged by her. She's fabulous!
When she asked me to shoot her headshots this spring, it happened that I shot them four days before I took the leap to full-time business owner. This is no coincidence; Ali made sure this session felt alive and kept it moving. We talked in length about how we shoot and why, which was exactly what I needed. Ali has that way about her - being so intuitive that she just knows. She's launching a portrait and wedding business in the coming months so be on the look out for her!

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