So there's another part of Emily that's crucial to this story: her husband Aaron. Pastor at heart, student at night, husband all around. This guy is so incredibly supportive of Emily and her dream - and here they are, every day living their dreams together in Hudson with two adorable pugs named Edward and Gwen.
And the best part? These two are expecting a little baby Steffen in June! When I found out Emily was expecting, I attempted numerous cartwheels. But even if my attempts were more like round-offs, I was elated - the two coolest people on the planet with the biggest hearts and they're growing their family? yes!
I volunteered to shoot the Steffens' maternity photos and they said YES! I could barely sleep the night before the session, I was that pumped. I traveled to Hudson for a morning I won't soon forget - it's such a true gift when my clients let me into their homes to document their love in the most honest and true way. We decided to do a lifestyle session of the two of them doing what they do best: loving on each other, the pugs and Emily knitting... and eating ice cream. If you are ever at a loss for a flavor decision, call Emily - she's got all the details and typically, it's chocolate with peanut butter or candy or chocolate anything. I knew there was a reason why I loved her so much :)
Can't wait for June, baby Steffen. You're the luckiest kid on the planet because you've got two parents who cannot wait to meet you, love you and watch you grow. You're probably going to be really super smart and a big dreamer. I am so excited to meet the next generation of Steffen dreamers in just a few short weeks!
