13 June 2011

Fisch Family: Milwaukee Family Photography

I spent a glorious Memorial Day weekend in Milwaukee with my dear friends, the Fisches! We played at the park, played at the house, read some books, snuggled, talked about what happens when baby sisters come to stay with us and how big almost-three-year-old boys are so cool. Oh, that was what I did with Shane :) Brian and Rachel were awesome as always, hosting impromptu pizza nights and cereal parties and finding the coolest Brat Fest I've ever been to!

We walked, we talked, and when it finally was time to do some nice family portraits at the park, somebody under 3 was NOT having it. In all my nannying expertise and Rachel and Brian's relaxed yet firm parenting style, we decided somebody needed a nap and we'd try later. A quick snooze, some lunch and ice cream at home and Shane was ready to smile! I embraced this moment and grabbed my camera, just talking and gently guiding Rachel and Brian into the frame. I will honestly say this was one of the best experiences of my career (so far!). When we just let go and let things develop, allow our subjects the space to be themselves and feel comfortable, magic happens :)

I could write a novel about how deep my heart feels for this family of three (and now four!), but I'll let the photos do the talking...

{Auntie} Syd


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