07 July 2011

Pearson Family: Minneapolis Portrait Photography

When we moved into a rental a few years ago, we had no idea about the neighborhood or the neighbors. We hoped we'd get lucky, but as it turns out, we were overly blessed. The Pearson Family was just two then, Jeff and Sarah, and they were the most considerate neighbors we've ever had. My parents saw themselves in these two and kind of took them under their wing and once Emilia came along, I found myself a beautiful blue-eyed subject to photograph just about any time I wanted :)

We moved to another neighborhood across town a month after we learned they were going to become a family of four and it broke our hearts. But once people like the Pearson family come into your life, you pretty much don't ever want to let them go! Olivia was born last May and she totally completes their family -- two blonde-haired blue-eyed girls and the best parents to boot!

The Pearsons are a family who lives to be a family, a close-knit one full of love. And it shows :)

They also win the award for most persistent clients! After 3 rainouts and 3 cases of pink-eye, we finally managed to have an hour to shoot :)


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